Pile of Gold Bars

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- created by: Greg
- requires: The Sims 1
Are you rich? If so, then why not let everyone know it! Place these piles of gold around the house so there can be no doubt.
Are you rich? If so, then why not let everyone know it! Place these piles of gold around the house so there can be no doubt.
Are you in the market? Then you need a nostalgic ticker! There is no better way to impress your friends than a symbol of you dedication and sophistication.
Even if you can't live like a sheik, a few simoleons can still buy you a small piece of the royal life. The beauty of this hand-crafted, high-glaze urn is matched only by the grace of the waving pampas it contains.
"The food, the priest, the bride, the groom -- these are all trivial. Trivial! The true art of the wedding is in the floral arrangements." -- Leonardo LaFleur, Florist to the Stars.
Looking for a way to create the steamy, decadent look of a sultan's tent? Try these colorful, wispy fronds which lend life and style to any room. The richness of simulated ostrich plumes can be yours.
The soothing rustle of palm fronds in a gentle breeze recalls the luxuries of an oasis even when that gentle breeze is coming from the air conditioner. Place this authentic potted palm anywhere to create your own desert paradise.
Perfect for teaching reckless teens how to park or illegally holding a parking space for your own personal use. Resilient and durable plastic construction ensures that this cone will outlive most cars, especially the one your kid is driving.
Organic Orchards is proud to present the first in its new line of xenobiological hybrids. Our field botanists have taken spore samples from dozens of unexplained crop circles. After many frustrated attempts, we have finally developed a beautiful, non-lethal hybrid that would be a credit to any gardener in the galaxy. Plant coloring and aggression may vary.
Back in the civil war of 1736, when sim fought sim to the end, thousands of these cannons were manufactured. Curiously, few of these cannons can still be found, and fewer still are in working condition.
The Simmy is programmable to different colors and modes.
Do you think this looks cool? Just wait until you try it out! You can click on it and make it change to any of SEVEN colors! It also has a cycle mode, and all of the cycling simmys will change to the same colors at the same time!
Sims can walk under this arch.
On that special day, when you and your beloved meet to become one forever, you should join your hearts beneath this beautiful flowered trellis. It's also entirely synthetic, so you can re-use it as often as necessary.
When our master florists created this arrangement, they captured all of springtime: the birds, the bees, the joy, the sunshine, and yes, even a little of the cold drizzly rain that goes down the back of your neck and gives you pneumonia.
This unusual broad-leafed shrub has adapted well to recirculated air and artificial lighting, thriving in environments which would challenge any lesser plant. Place this fresh, lively, nigh-immortal bit of greenery anywhere -- it'll do just fine! Some watering necessary. Requires high quantities of heavy metals and fluorescent lighting.
Why expose your important books and papers to the ravages of the atmosphere? Seal them inside the metal-walled compartments of this high-tech document solution.
Ever wanted to tell your friends just where to go? Let your flooring do the talking with this unidirectional game marker. From Maxoid, makers of all the best jumbo gaming accessories.
"X marks the spot?" Not any more! After years of X-cessive X-ploitation, we've finally outgrown that 20th-century has-been. There's just one shape you need to know in avant-garde floor patterning and destination marking: the star.
If you have House Party, a ghost may rise from the grave late at night. But the grave will still function as a decorative object without House Party.
Found in an old mansion, these remains will make a nice addition to any haunted house. Buying it is almost a supernatural experience.
The light flashes on top
Bold apricot & cloud striping. Iridescent disk lighting. Cantilevered platinum-colored supports. Who says you can't have both safety & style?
Sick of those scary, all-too-happy, dressed up freaks who jump in front of your kids while they are in the bathroom? Well stop them in their tracks with this sign. (It really gets rid of them!)
This rug allows you to make your sim run instead of walk.
When you need to get somewhere in a hurry, use the Ready, Set, Run Mat. Need to get across the house or lot real fast? Then run there! Duh! Use this mat at your destination and run there from wherever you are.
A lovely flower collection that is sure to brighten up any room. These little hand-picked flowers are a perfect addition to any surface.
This basic flamingo package includes a 100% gold flamingo and a 100% ugly flamingo.